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Difference Between 15-Year Vs. 30-Year Fixed Loans

When you take out a mortgage, options are to choose between fixed-rate mortgages and adjustable-rate mortgages. Fixed-rate mortgages interest stays the same for the entire life of your loan. In contrast, adjustable-rate mortgages have interest rates that change according to external market conditions.

Virtually all home loans are “fixed rate,” but they can be either short- or long-term loans. If you’re planning to buy a property, refinance your current mortgage, or consolidate debt, knowing the difference between 15-year fixed vs. 30-year fixed loans can help you make an informed decision.

Key differences between these two mortgages:

Length of the Repayment Period

Your monthly repayments will be higher than with a 30-year loan, but you’ll pay less total interest throughout the loan. This means you’ll own your home sooner and can potentially make a much larger payment towards equity, as the interest will build up over a shorter time.
A 15-year loan is often referred to as a “half-a-loan” because you’ll make half the number of payments you would with a 30-year loan.

Interest Rates
The interest rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage is always lower than that on a 15-year fixed mortgage. That’s because a borrower who opts for a 30-year term commits to paying the loan off in half the time so that they can expect a lower interest rate as compensation for the increased risk of such a long-term loan.

The interest rate on a 15-year fixed mortgage, by contrast, is generally higher than that charged on a 30-year fixed mortgage. That’s because the shorter term makes it less risky for lenders, so they are willing to charge a higher interest rate.

Mortgage Insurance
If you take out a 30-year fixed mortgage, your monthly repayments will be lower than an equivalent 15-year fixed mortgage. That means you’ll have more money available each month to pay your property taxes and insurance premiums at the start of your mortgage term, which will significantly reduce the amount of mortgage insurance you’ll need to pay.
However, this comes at a cost: Longer-term mortgages are riskier for lenders, requiring mortgage insurance. Your mortgage payments will include monthly MIP premiums, also called private mortgage insurance or PMI.

Why Bother With 15-Year Fixed vs. 30-Year Fixed?
As you can see, fixing the interest rate on a home loan for longer-term will result in a lower monthly repayment. This can be of major benefit to many borrowers.

One significant advantage is that you can afford a larger home by stretching out the loan term and still keeping your monthly repayments low enough to manage.

The biggest benefit of a 15-year fixed mortgage for many borrowers is that your monthly repayments will be lower than if you took out a 30-year fixed loan.

Banks typically require you to pay higher MIP premiums when you don’t have much to put down as a down payment or if your credit history is marred. A 15-year term allows you to put off paying higher premiums in the short term, even though your monthly premiums will be larger in the long term.

Contact Pacific Lending Group to Make the Right Choice

Pacific Lending Group has an extensive track record delivering competitive interest rates for 15-year and 30-year fixed loans to all credit profiles. Contact us today at 954-227-4727

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When Do You Know It’s Right to Refinance Your Home?

Refinancing a home mortgage loan is an important decision that can save you thousands of dollars in interest and reduce your monthly expenses. However, it is a significant undertaking and should only be done when the benefits outweigh the costs.

You’ll pay off your current mortgage and take a new one with refinancing. This is not something you should do lightly because it can lead to missed payments, damaging your credit score.
Let’s find when is the right time to refinance the mortgage on your home:

When You Can Obtain a Lower Interest Rate

The amount of time it will take you to recoup the refinancing costs is heavily dependent on the interest rate, so when you see your rates are trending downward or about to fall, that can indicate that it’s time to refinance.

However, the process of refinancing can be a lengthy one, so you should only consider it when rates are going to go down.

When You Need to Reduce Monthly Payments

Your home is the biggest asset you own. It should come as no surprise that refinancing to a loan with a lower rate and/or better terms will reduce your monthly payment.

When refinancing, you can often get a longer-term or a lower rate, or both. If you are interested in lowering your monthly payment, refinancing can benefit you.

When You Want a Better Mortgage

While refinancing can help you reduce your monthly payment, it may not result in a better deal. If the rates and fees associated with your loan are too high for you, refinancing could provide a better option.

When you take out a refinance loan, the total cost will be higher than your current loan. However, the amount you spend on interest and fees should be smaller, resulting in a lower monthly payment and/or a better loan term.

When You Need to Consolidate Debt

Refinancing can be a great way to consolidate debt. You may want to refinance the mortgage if you have other debts, such as credit card debt or an auto loan.

By consolidating all of your debt into one loan, you will save some money since you won’t be paying any fees for multiple accounts. Low-interest rates can be challenging to find, but refinancing can make it happen.

If you use your home to consolidate your debt, you need to be sure that the loan will help you pay off your other debts faster.

If You Want to Take Out or Receive Cash

While refinancing your home is generally not used to take out cash, it can be something that you use to provide some quick cash for a purchase.

If you go through some of your equity when refinancing, you can get the money you need to cover an emergency or another financial need.

Call Pacific Lending Group for the Right Advice!

If you are ready to refinance your property, you must make the right decision. Pacific Lending Group holds extensive experience in refinancing loans and is happy to help you with your decisions.

Call our specialists at 954-227-4727 or visit us online to learn more.

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Purchasing the Right Home: How to Plan for It

Purchasing a home in South Florida can be a big decision, and you must be well-prepared to ensure the process goes smoothly. You don’t want to buy a home only to realize that it’s not what you want or that you don’t have the finances to be able to afford it

When you want to ensure that you’re purchasing the right home and have figured out all aspects, some planning should go into it. Here is how you can plan better before you start looking at homes to buy:

Make a Plan and Budget

When you’re starting the process of looking for a home, you need to have some aspects figured out. You need to know what you’re looking for in your home. The number of bedrooms, bathrooms and so on should be decided before you start looking. It would be helpful if you determined a budget to help narrow down the homes you’re looking at.

You can also figure out what area of South Florida you want to be living in and whether you’re looking for any extra amenities. It will help you save time later when you’re actually going through properties.

Know Mortgage Rates and Financing Companies

You might need a little extra help when it comes to acquiring your dream home, and a home mortgage can achieve just that. There are many options available when you’re looking to get a mortgage to help you out with paying for your home.

However, you should look for a South Florida mortgage service that helps you qualify for the lowest mortgage rates and give you financial advice. You want to be able to trust your mortgage expert, and finding a trustworthy service in South Florida can require some research.

Consider Escrow

Many homes sold on the real estate market are sold upon specific conditions. The sellers might be selling their home contingent on several other factors, including that they can purchase another home first. You might also be in a similar situation, where you can’t go through with purchasing another home until the one you’re currently in is sold off.

You need to consider escrow as being a big factor in buying or selling a home. You might have to wait a while before moving into the property you’ve purchased, so ensure that you know the timeline when you’re buying the home.

Know the Resale Value

When purchasing a home, you have to consider the possibility that you might not end up living in it forever. When it comes to selling off a property you own, several factors can determine its resale value.

You might be looking to flip the house and remodel it to make its value much higher. As a property owner, resale value is something you should be considering before you purchase any home in South Florida.

Looking for Home Financing? We’re Here to Help

When you need a little bit of help financially to help you get the home of your dreams, Pacific Lending Group is here to help. Many types of mortgages are available, and we will help you get the lowest rates so you can worry less about paying back your home. Call 954-227-4727 to get started on your home mortgage process.